Harry would like to marry his Grete on the spot, but first he has to get the approval of his future father-in-law, Councillor Goldfish. And poor Harry has to meet an important condition set by Goldfis...
Harry would like to marry his Grete on the spot, but first he has to get the approval of his future father-in-law, Councillor Goldfish. And poor Harry has to meet an important condition set by Goldfis...
Harry would like to marry his Grete on the spot, but first he has to get the approval of his future father-in-law, Councillor Goldfish. And poor Harry has to meet an important condition set by Goldfis...
Speelfilm over de Frans-Duitse tegenstelling. Een Franse vrouw belooft te trouwen met degene die een Pruisische spion in de Franse gelederen in de val weet te lokken.
Neuheiten auf dem Berliner Filmmarkte, Der Kinematograph, 550, (1917), S. 15-17. Rezension aktueller Filme. Interessant ist, dass die russische Gesellschaft filmisch thematisiert wird. Karl Schneider,...